
Ho Chi Minh City International University - HCMIU Anticipated 2025
Bachelor of Computer Science GPA: 3.05
IELTS score: 6.0


Language: Python, Java, C, C++, HTML, Javascript, Typescript, CSS

Framework: ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NextJS, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, SpringBoot

Database: MySQL, PostgresSQL, MongoDB

Others: Git, Github, Hugo, ChatGPT, Vim, Linux, Agile

Certifcations & Award

More on my Linkedin


Bomberman |  Java, Java Swing, OOP

  • Cloned a bomberman from Konami.
  • Learned to use Git as a part of a team.
  • Applied OOP and design pattern.
  • Implemented various game logics for physics.

Hospital DBMS |  Java, React, Spring Boot, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS

  • Built a simple website for booking doctors.
  • Led a team with zero experience in web development.
  • Created CRUD REST API.
  • Designed relational database.

Algorithms Visualizer |  Typescript, CSS, HTML, Canvas

  • Built a website for visualize how algorithms work such as path finding and sorting.
  • Experienced with Typescript and its types.
  • Investigated a tech solution to visualize algorithms.

OnApp |  Typescript, React Native, Prettier, ExpressJS, Git

  • Built an cross platform app that allow users to book an appointment with doctors.
  • Learned how to read code from other people.
  • Created UI for the app.
  • Implemented CRUD REST API.

Resume |  HTML, TailwindCSS, JS

  • Code a simple CV to practice my TailwindCSS skill.